Why Do Motherboards Still Have PS2? [Guide]

Why Do Motherboards Still Have PS2

Most people believe that PS2 devices are no longer included in the design of a motherboard. They are, however, still widely available and are included in some modern PCs.

Why are PS2 ports still found on motherboards? PS 2 consoles are still in use primarily because they are less expensive than their counterparts. Manufacturers only use them to reduce the cost of production at their end.

Aside from the cost, the PS2 has a lower latency for gaming and is compatible with both old and new technology.

Why Was PS2 Discontinued?

The PlayStation 2 was released in the year 2000. Its unique design and appealing features propelled its sales past those of its competitors within a month of its release. Sony also used a highly strategic marketing strategy that allowed it to enter the market and become the leading gaming console at the time.

PlayStation has played a role in the explosive growth of online gaming. It was the first interface to allow cross-play between two consoles, then as expected, it received widespread acclaim.

With over 150 million units sold, the PlayStation 2 is still the most successful gaming interface of all time. It was a huge success for over a decade before the hype died down. It ran for 13 years before being phased out.

Sony announced the end of the PS 2 in mid-2013. Even though production had ceased, they continued to supply stock to wholesalers until all units were sold. They also accepted consoles for repairs until 2018, when they allegedly ran out of replacement parts.

The PS3 was released in 2013, but the PS2 retained its market position even after its replacement had been on the market for ten years.

USB devices were introduced in order to bypass the PS 2 interface. However, the battle is still ongoing, and there is unlikely to be a victor. Each of these interfaces has advantages as well as disadvantages.

Motherboards rarely have both USB and PS2 ports, usually only one of each, and there isn’t much of a difference in performance between the two.

One significant distinction between the two is that USB employs buses, whereas PS2 employs ports. This means that a PS2 port can only connect to one device at a time, whereas a USB port can connect to multiple devices at the same time.

The PS2 connects directly to the motherboard, whereas USB ports are located further away from the motherboard, necessitating the use of drives to facilitate data transfer.

Another area where the two differ is availability. USB buses are more commonly found on PCs, Macs, Laptops, smartphones, and other similar devices, whereas PS 2 ports are mostly found on PCs and gaming consoles.

PS2 ports are more prone to damage. Because the pins in their connectors are easily destroyed, extreme caution must be exercised during connection. It is recommended that once plugged, you refrain from unnecessarily disconnecting it.

USB ports, on the other hand, are not as easily broken. They are built to withstand constant plugging and unplugging without breaking down.

The PS2 is arguably faster than USB buses because it is closer to the chipsets. With a PS 2 keyboard, you can press multiple keys at once, and each one is recorded. This is not supported by the USB interface.

USB devices can ‘Plug and Play,’ whereas PS2s are not. Before connecting PS2 devices to the CPU, the computer must be turned off. USB devices, on the other hand, can be plugged in and out of the computer while it is still running and be recognized.

Plugging and unplugging PS2 devices without first shutting down the computer can result in severe damage to the entire system, particularly the CPU and motherboard.

USB devices are also available in a variety of sizes and configurations, including large, small, wired, and wireless models. The PS2 interface lacks this flexibility.

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PS2 vs. USB for Gaming

There is a widespread belief that the PS2 has an advantage in gaming. However, other than the ‘N Key Rollover (NKRO),’ there is no substantial difference in gaming between the USB and PS2 interfaces.

The NKRO, as it is colloquially known, refers to the PS2’s capacity to register several keys at once. In addition,  the difference in speed between the two interfaces is negligible.

Because they allow for hot plugging, USB ports are commonly utilized nowadays. Imagine having to restart your computer in the middle of a game only to swap out a keyboard or mouse; how inconvenient, right?

Can You Install PS 2 Devices to Your Computer?


It is nearly impossible to install ports on a system that did not have them during the manufacturing stage. Many of these ports are internal to the motherboard, and any attempt to add or replace them may result in serious complications.

If you eventually succeed in connecting a port without an add-in card, they will be unable to transmit data because the motherboard does not have extra circuits.


Here are the procedures for connecting a PS2 computer to a PC.

  • Check that the computer is turned off.
  • Examine the ports on the back of the computer. Make certain that the keyboard is connected to the purple-colored port. This port is frequently labelled with a keyboard symbol, making it difficult to overlook.
  • After connecting, restart the computer and test the configuration.

It is also recommended that you run the hardware troubleshooter on the keyboard.

Can You Convert a PS2 to a USB?

Because PS2 and USB are completely separate interfaces, it would be impossible to convert one to the other. However, a Ps 2 device can be used on a USB-equipped PC and vice versa. This is possible with the help of an adaptor.

A PS 2 converter not only lets old PS devices function with new PCs, but it also works with smartphones, Macs, and any other device that uses USB technology.

Aside from that, a PS 2 converter makes PS 2 devices hot-swappable, which means you may insert and unplug them while the system is still operating and they will be recognized.

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PS2 Device Troubleshooting

Oftentimes, the ports do not function because the cables have not been plugged in properly or perhaps the pins may have been damaged in the process of forcefully trying to fix them in the ports.

Furthermore, if a PS2 device is not connected in the correct slot, it is unlikely to function. Make a mental note of which device is plugged into which slot. Mouse cables should be placed in the green slots, while keyboards should be placed in the purple slot.

Regardless, some recent PCs do not have slot specs, which means you can connect any device into any slot without issue. In this example, the slots would be the same color.

There have been reports of devices exploding and crashing after being installed in the incorrect slot. Now, if the resistor fails, it is extremely likely that other components will be damaged as well.

Hot plugging PS2 devices may potentially cause a crash.

When mice or keyboards fail, it is easier and more cost-effective to replace them rather than repair the broken item. If you attempt to repair it yourself, you are likely to miss a step and incorrectly install the piece, resulting in more and more harmful issues.

  • Nonetheless, these are the theoretical procedures for repairing a keyboard with a broken connector:
  • Obtain a second PS2 keyboard that is no longer in use.
  • Cut the keyboard’s wires close to the connector.
  • Both wires should be strung out until they are bare.
  • Connect the loose ends of your keyboard to the connector of the other keyboard with care.

That should suffice. This method can also be used to repair a broken PS 2 mouse. However, you must be exceedingly careful not to leave loose strands of wire on the joints of your connection; otherwise, you risk electrical shocks or other connectivity concerns.

You could also consider replacing your broken PS2s with a USB keyboard or mouse. After that, proceed as follows:

  • Navigate to your PC’s BIOS.
  • Enable the PS2 keyboard or mouse legacy support.
  • Save the configuration
  • At this point, the computer should reboot automatically. If it doesn’t, turn it off, wait three minutes, and then turn it back on.
  • Wait around 30 seconds after it finishes booting before removing the USB devices and reconnecting the PS2s.

However, there is a potential that the PS2’s night mode will continue to fail after this. If this occurs, you should try using the USB devices until you can obtain a new PS2 replacement.


The introduction of USB technology nearly brought the use of the PS2 interface to a halt. Nonetheless, some people like it because it is less expensive.

Although PS2 devices appear to be obsolete, they are still available on some current PCs. This article will teach you everything you need to know about the PS2 interface, why it was discontinued, and how it compares to its main competitor, the USB.

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