Asus Motherboard Light Codes

Asus motherboard light code

The most common Asus motherboard light code is 00, which means there is no error and that the system is starting up normally. Other common codes include:

  • 50-54: Memory initialization errors
  • 55: Memory not installed
  • 56-57: Invalid CPU type or speed/CPU mismatch
  • 62: Installation of the PCH Runtime Services
  • 76: PCH DXE Initialization (PCH Module Specific)
  • 99: Super IO Initialization
  • A0: IDE Initialization Is Started
  • A2: IDE Detect

Other common Asus Motherboard Light Codes include the BOOT_DEVICE_LED, VGA_LED, DRAM_LED, and CPU_LED. These four post-state LEDs will indicate if there is a fault stopping the BIOS from Posting. Most newer ASUS motherboards (the B250F, for example) have, other than the RGB LEDs, four solid- 4 post-state LED indicators designed close to the 24-pin connector and a standby power LED next to the SATA ports. 

If you see one of these codes, you can try troubleshooting the problem by following the instructions in this article.

In this article, you will learn about ASUS motherboard light codes, their meaning, and the required troubleshooting steps for these LED codes.

Most Common Asus Light Q-Codes and Meaning

00Not used
01Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
02AP initialization before microcode loading
03System Agent initialization before microcode loading
04PCH initialization before microcode loading
06Microcode loading
07AP initialization after microcode loading
08System Agent initialization after microcode loading
09PCH initialization after microcode loading
0AInitialization after microcode loading
0BCache initialization
0C – 0DReserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0EMicrocode not found
0FMicrocode not loaded
10PEI Core is started
11 – 14Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15 – 18Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
19 – 1CPre-memory PCH initialization is started
2B – 2FMemory initialization
30Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
31Memory Installed
32 – 36CPU post-memory initialization
37 – 3APost-Memory System Agent initialization is started
3B – 3EPost-Memory PCH initialization is started
4FDXE IPL is started
50 – 53Unspecified memory initialization error
54Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
55Memory not installed
56Invalid CPU type or Speed
57CPU mismatch
58CPU self test failed or possible CPU cache error
59CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed
5AInternal CPU error
5BReset PPI is not available
5C – 5FReserved for future AMI error codes
E0S3 Resume is stared (S3 Resume PPI is called by the DXE IPL)
E1S3 Boot Script execution
E2Video repost
E3OS S3 wake vector call
E4 – E7Reserved for future AMI progress codes
E8S3 Resume Failed
E9S3 Resume PPI not Found
EAS3 Resume Boot Script Error
EB – EFReserved for future AMI error codes
F0Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1Recovery condition triggered by user (Forced recovery)
F2Recovery process started
F3Recovery firmware image is found
F4Recovery firmware image is loaded
F5 – F7Reserved for future AMI progress codes
F8Recovery PPI is not available
F9Recovery capsule is not found
FAInvalid recovery capsule
FB – FFReserved for future AMI error codes
60DXE Core is started
61NVRAM initialization
62Installation of the PCH Runtime Services
63-67CPU DXE initialization is started
68PCI host bridge initialization
69System Agent DXE initialization is started
6ASystem Agent DXE SMM initialization is started
6BSystem Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)
6CPCH DXE initialization is started
6DPCH DXE SMM initialization is started
6EPCH devices initialization
6FPCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)
70ACPI module initialization
71CSM initialization
72Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
73Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
74Driver connecting is started
75PCI Bus initialization is started
76PCI Bus Hot Plug Controller Initialization
77PCI Bus Enumeration
78PCI Bus Request Resources
79PCI Bus Assign Resources
7AConsole Output devices connect
7BConsole input devices connect
7CSuper IO Initialization
7DUSB initialization is started
7EUSB Reset
7FUSB Detect
90USB Enable
91Reserved for future AMI codes
92IDE initialization is started
93IDE Reset
94IDE Detect
95IDE Enable
96SCSI initialization is started
97SCSI Reset
98SCSI Detect
99SCSI Enable
9ASetup Verifying Password
9BStart of Setup
9CReserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
9DSetup Input Wait
9FReserved for future AMI codes
A0IDE initialization is started
A1IDE Reset
A2IDE Detect
A3IDE Enable
A4SCSI initialization is started
A5SCSI Reset
A6SCSI Detect
A7SCSI Enable
A8Setup Verifying Password
A9Start of Setup
AAReserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
ABSetup Input Wait
ACReserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
ADReady To Boot event
AELegacy Boot event
AFExit Boot Services event
B0Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin
B1Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP End
B2Legacy Option ROM Initialization
B3System Reset
B4USB hot plug
B5PCI bus hot plug
B6Clean-up of NVRAM
B7Configuration Reset (reset of NVRAM settings)
B8-BFReserved for future AMI codes
D0CPU initialization error
D1System Agent initialization error
D2PCH initialization error
D3Some of the Architectural Protocols are not available
D4PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources
D5No Space for Legacy Option ROM
D6No Console Output Devices are found
D7No Console Input Devices are found
D8Invalid password
D9Error loading Boot Option (LoadImage returned error)
DABoot Option is failed (StartImage returned error)
DBFlash update is failed
DCReset protocol is not available
0X01System is entering S1 sleep state
0X02System is entering S2 sleep state
0X03System is entering S3 sleep state
0X04System is entering S4 sleep state
0X05System is entering S5 sleep state
0X10System is waking up from the S1 sleep state
0X20System is waking up from the S2 sleep state
0X30System is waking up from the S3 sleep state
0X40System is waking up from the S4 sleep state
0XACSystem has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt controller is in PIC mode
0XAASystem has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt controller is in APIC mode

How Do You Confirm Your Asus Motherboard Supports the Q-Led Indicator?

Before we dive into troubleshooting what these codes are, you should know that not all Asus motherboards are designed with light code. Especially for older Asus models, they may only have beep codes. So you should first verify that your unit supports LED debug codes.

There are three ways to check that your Asus motherboard supports Q-LED indicators:

  • By inspecting your motherboard to find the Q-LED indicator interface
  • By visiting the ASUS official website, and 
  • By checking the Asus user manual.

Check your motherboard

  • Look at the area where you have the 24-pin power supply interface or memory slot on your motherboard to confirm if you can find the Q-LED indicator.
  • If you see it there, then your Asus build supports the feature. However, some older models like Z97-mark_ S have their Q-LED light located on their respective slot (The VGA_LED light near the PCIE slot, for example)

Via the ASUS Official website 

  • You can check if your model supports ASUS Q-LED by looking at the official website. 
  • First, navigate to the search bar on the website and type in your model name.
  • On the result page, you click “Specifications,” find “Special Features,” then “ASUS Q-Design”  Check if the ASUS Q-LED is supported for the model.

Via User Manual

  • You first want to download the user manual for your motherboard through the ASUS Support Center. 
  • On the page, input your model name, and select “Manual & Document.”
  • Then, you click “Manual,” find your model in Manual (English), and download it.
  • On the manual, search for “Special features > ASUS Q-Design > Q-LED

Now that you’ve verified that your Asus motherboard supports Q-LED codes, you can now learn about the various Asus motherboard light codes and how to debug them.

Asus Motherboard Light Codes – Meaning & Fixes

DRAM light (quick flashing on the Power LED)

If your Q-LED indicators have quick flashing on the power LED or show the DRAM light, try the following steps to solve the problem:

Step 1: Remove the power cord

Step 2: Confirm your memory card is fully installed or try to re-install it. While you try to re-install it, clean the memory card fingers and the slot on the motherboard if necessary.

Step 3: You can also follow the recommended memory configurations in your user manual to change your memory to other slots.

If the light continues to flash after you have completed the preceding steps, you must replace your DRAM with one from the support list (QVL list) of your motherboard, which is available from the Asus support site.

VGA light (Slow flashing on Power LED)

If the VGA light is on or you find the power LED slowly flashing, consider trying the following debug fixes:

Step 1: Check and reconnect the display cable between your monitor and the VGA output. Before doing anything else, ensure the power cord is removed.

Step 2: Unplug the PCI-E power cable and the external graphics card

Step 3: Clean the graphics card fingers and slots before re-installing them back

Step 4: Reconnect the display cable to your monitor and the VGA output and see if the problem is solved.

Meanwhile, if you use a newer Asus motherboard model, check on the AMD website to see if your CPU supports the integrated graphics display.

Boot light (Super slow flashing on Power LED)

If the BOOT light is on or the power LED is flashing super slowly (8-second blinking sequence, for example), it means something went wrong during the system booting process. To solve the issue, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the Advance mode in BIOS and check if your booting device is there and in the first booting priority

Step 2: Turn off the system and remove the power and confirm the boot device is well installed

Step 3: Also consider removing your HDD, SSD, or M.2 SSD, clean and re-install them back to check if there are any damaged parts

If your booting device is not working anymore, change it and try again.

CPU light

When the CPU light remains in the Q-LED indicators, follow these debugging steps:

Step 1: First, remove the power cord, loosen the four cooler pins, and remove the cooler without pulling the CPU out of the heatsink

Step 2: Flip the retention arm to loosen the metal clamp that holds the CPU in place

Step 3: Lift the socket lid

Step 4: Use two fingers to lift the CPU out of its socket. Lift it directly upward and take the CPU out.

Step 5: Check and clean the CPU contacts if there is any dust on them. You can also check whether the CPU pins are bent or not.

If they are damaged, you will have to contact Asus customer service for the repair process.

Step 6: Matching the nubbins in the corner of the CPU socket can help you place the CPU back easily

Step 7: Install your cooler firmly and properly in the right position.

If, after trying the above steps, the CPU light remains on, you can consider upgrading your BIOS to the latest version via the Asus website. Also, confirm that your CPU is on the CPU support list for your motherboard.

How do I disable the Q-Code LED light on my Asus motherboard?

You can also disable the LED code light on your Asus motherboard. You’d have the motivation to do this when the light keeps coming on, even when there is no issue with your motherboard.

First, make sure you have the latest BIOS version installed on your computer. Then follow these steps:

Step 1: Restart your system and load it into your BIOS

Step 2: Click the AURA ON/OFF (F4) button in the upper-right corner of the screen. This will pop up four different lighting options, each with their own

Step 3: You can use “Stealth Mode” to turn everything off, but if you like to use the hardware RGB lighting (using Aura), then there are no issues. 

The stealth mode, however, will disable every LED on the motherboard except the red Q-Code LED, which will still be functional.

If you want to disable the red light code, follow these steps:

Step 1: Switch to the Advanced tab on the BIOS

Step 2: Click ROG Effects.

Step 3: There are two motherboard LED options on this page, but only change the Onboard LED to Disabled for the remaining LEDs to be disabled. Also, change the Q-Code LED function to disabled after posting. 

Step 4: Save the settings by clicking Exit in the top right corner

Step 5: Save Changes and Reset

Once you accept the change, your computer will reboot normally with all the changes active.

P.S.: Even after disabling ASUS light codes on your motherboard, you may still notice some tiny LEDs on the board, but you will barely notice them – they are less distracting (that’s even when they are not covered by cables or overshadowed by other hardware.

In Summary

ASUS motherboards are designed with four solid-state LED indicators, usually near the 24-pin connector (CPU_LED) and a standby power LED next to the SATA ports.

These light codes are BOOT_DEVICE_LED, VGA_LED, DRAM_LED, and CPU_LED; they all have different meanings and debugging steps. Their function is to indicate when there is a fault stopping the BIOS from posting.

However, most older or cheaper motherboards usually don’t have any sort of debug code displays, so they use beeps instead.

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