What is RMA Motherboard? [Detailed-Guide]

What is RMA Motherboard

Computer hardware devices are not always perfect. They could stop working at any point. This is particularly why manufacturers include warranties. To take advantage of these warranties, you will need to perform an RMA.

RMA usually takes about two or three weeks. You will have to ship your product back to the manufacturer’s service location. It will also take a while before they can get a working product down to you.

So, we will be looking at what it means to RMA a motherboard. We will also see how you can perfectly work out an RMA for your motherboard.

So, what is an RMA?

RMA stands for Return Merchandise Authorization. An RMA number will be needed before you can send a defective product. Then, you will be able to ship it down to have it fixed or replaced. It’s not ideal however to send your product down to the manufacturer unannounced. They won’t get it fixed unless they know the faults and who is sending the component.

Motherboards and other computer components usually come with at least a one-year warranty. You can return it to the store you purchased it from if you notice any defects. However, if it exceeds thirty days, you won’t be able to return it to the retail store. You would have to deal with the manufacturer for replacement or repairs.

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Let’s look at how you can get an RMA number

The first point of call in this entire process will be to get an RMA number. You must send an RMA number. This number is what will be used to track your motherboard. You will also be able to monitor the work ongoing with the RMA number.

So, you have to get in touch with your motherboard manufacturer. They will most likely get you across to the RMA department. This will help you get an RMA number. The warranty information that came with your motherboard should carry the contact details of your manufacturer.

The warranty information will also contain information regarding the manufacturer’s website, support section, and details about warranty repair or replacements. A google search can also help out in case you cannot access the warranty information anymore. You should be able to locate the manufacturer’s website from there.

On the manufacturer’s website, you will have to fill out an RMA form. You could also do this by contacting the support team of your manufacturer. They will help you to process the form and get an RMA number for your motherboard.

Several people have wondered which method is faster, whether it is going through the website or the phone. Well, different people have had different experiences with both methods. We could say contacting them via phone might be faster. This is because you can easily exchange information back and forth faster. If you find it easier typing rather than talking on the phone, you can also opt for that.

You have to explain your problem to the support department clearly. Ensure you pass across your information with a short, simple message. They will want to proffer a solution to your concern via the web form or over the phone. This means that being clear about what the problem is and what you have tried will be helpful.

If you tell them that “My motherboard doesn’t work,” then, they will want to walk you through all the possible solutions. If you tell them what you have tried around solutions for the defect, then, the process becomes faster.  They will see to it that your RMA number is processed at a faster pace. So, you must be very clear and precise.

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Packing your motherboard

After you have processed the RMA number with the warranty service department, you will need to mail the motherboard to them. Your dealing with the warranty department is usually the most difficult task. Once you are past that phase, the rest of the process is not so complicated.

The warranty department will provide you with the guidelines for mailing your motherboard. ensure you pay attention to every instruction they give you. So, let’s take a look at some of the basic instructions.

  1. Your motherboard is a very vulnerable component. As such, static electricity can damage it. So, anti-static bags should be used in packaging the motherboard. You can work with the kind of bag the motherboard came with.
  2.  Ensure that your motherboard is securely placed in a box. This will prevent any further damage while it is being shipped. The best practice will be to use the original box that the motherboard came in. This will be the best box to use.
  3. Ensure that you are not sending too many things alongside the motherboard. If the only thing you were required to send is the motherboard, then, don’t send anything else. It is best to stick to the instructions you were given by the warranty number.
  4. So, write out the RMA number on the outside of the box you are sending. Endeavor to write it at least twice and on different sides of the box. This will help make the RMA number more visible. The manufacturer will be able to easily pick the number and enter it into their system.

Ship the Motherboard

The final thing to do will be to ship the motherboard. Ensure you address the motherboard to the address given by the manufacturer. A tracking number will come in handy here. It will help you track the motherboard in case it is misplaced.

Shipping the motherboard back to the manufacturer might require you to pay shipping fees. Some manufacturers might offer you a prepaid shipping label to print. Others may most likely not. You should not be the one paying since it is the manufacturer’s fault. You just might have to foot the bill.

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RMAs are not as complicated as you might have heard them be. They might not be the simplest of the process but they are not the most complicated either. If your motherboard is defective, you have to RMA it to your manufacturer.

We have carefully highlighted the steps you will require to get this done. So, once you follow our guidelines, there should be no issues. Go ahead and get that RMA sorted.

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