Does Your Motherboard affect the FPS? [Guide]

Does your Motherboard affects the FPS

Your motherboard does not directly affect your on-screen FPS. Although, some of the components that it is connected to can affect the FPS. Every component of your computer communicates through the motherboard. The motherboard is important for all data-transferring processes in your computer.

In using your computer for high-performance functions, you must know that the components of the computer dictate its performance. High-performance functions that include gaming require a good level of performance from your computer. The motherboard is one of such important components of the computer.

The motherboard could go a long way to affect the performance of your computer, especially for gaming activities. So, oftentimes, gamers want to know if their motherboard affects the FPS of their computer. Well, follow through as we look to answer this question. We will offer you tangible insights that will help clear the air.

Does your Motherboard affect the FPS?

As a result, switching from a high-quality motherboard to a lower-quality one is likely to result in a decrease in FPS. This all but proves that even though a direct impact might not be in view, the motherboard can affect the FPS indirectly. Some factors can make your motherboard affect the FPS.

Before we check out those factors, let’s quickly bring you up to speed on an FPS.

What Exactly is FPS?

The acronym FPS stands for Frames Per Second and it is commonly called Burst Rate. Some even know it as the Update Rate. In simple terms, it is just the rate of change of the screen you have on display. It portrays how quickly a screen refreshes 1 second time.

The widely accepted standard is between 30 and 60 FPS. Anything lower than this is deemed to be laggy. In a recent development, most shooting games even require up to 200 FPS. The FPS could impact professional gameplay no matter how awkward that sounds.

There is a general rule of thumb gamers use. A higher hardware power will lead to a high FPS. We could say this is true as fast and powerful components increase the FPS.

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What then are the factors that can make the Motherboard affect FPS?

Yes, the motherboard does not directly affect the FPS. However, some of the components connected to the motherboard can limit the FPS. So, there are some specific factors of the motherboard that can affect the FPS. So, let’s explore what these factors are.

Overclocking Power

A lot of users often underrate the Voltage Regulator Modules. However, it is very important in the performance of your computer. These modules take power from the PSU and supply it to the CPU. So, the motherboard VRM quality could affect power efficiency.

A VRM with more power phases would enhance the overclocking of the CPU. Power phases are not to be looked down on. These are some of the important details you should pay attention to in your next purchase. They are like small cylinders around the CPU.

You should come across about 4-8 power phases. Although, that will be based on the value and performance of your motherboard. You can get an idea about the frequency of the CPU from the base clock speed and multiplier. Your CPU will guarantee you better performance with this equation module being high.

In simple terms, CPUs directly affect the FPS. If you combine a weak CPU with a strong GPU, it could cause serious issues.

RAM and Expansion slots

RAM overclocking is something that exists. Your motherboard must therefore have high-quality components to guarantee an adequate overclock. RAM performance can support the CPU well.

If you go for a cheap motherboard, it most likely will not have more than 32 GB RAM. You might not need more for gaming activities. You shouldn’t take that chance though. Get a better RAM so you can avoid issues.

The expansion slots are equally important. You could be having serious issues with optimum performance if your motherboard does not have GPU support. Some issues could also occur if it does not have a slot for NVME SSD. The SSDs can affect the loading time of your games. The FPS of your system could be better with multiple GPUs combined with crossfire or SLI.

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A few PCIe expansion slots will therefore come in handy.


This may not necessarily affect the FPS directly. However, it helps to make sure that all components connected to the motherboard are functioning properly.

You must therefore upgrade the BIOS of your motherboard if you want to have an upgrade in hardware. It will help the upgraded hardware run adequately. The recent innovations in the CPU can help to improve the FPS.


The chipset of your motherboard can also affect the FPS. It serves as the regulator for all the components in your system. It is no news that one of the major uses of a motherboard is to allow all the components to communicate properly.

The chipset is that component that regulates the data passed across the components. So, it regulates data passed from the CPU and GPU to other parts of the computer. It does this consistently.

Of course, a cheap motherboard might not come with a quality chipset. Better communication among all the components of your computer will improve the FPS. This in turn will improve the performance of your system. So, quality in a motherboard is not what you should shortchange.


You must be pretty clear about your motherboard and FPS now. The motherboard can be seen as the heart of your PC. It may not affect the FPS of your system directly, but it can in other ways.

We have been able to show you how the motherboard can affect your FPS. We have also seen in detail the factor that is responsible for this. We also considered what FPS is exactly and what it means for your system. The tangible information we have provided should have helped clear the air.

On a final note, though, it is best to go for a high-end motherboard. The aesthetics and performance you will be getting are in a different class.

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