Why is a Motherboard Important? [Guide]

Why is a Motherboard Important

If you are searching for why is a motherboard important, here is an analogy to explain it.

Consider your computer as a human body. The motherboard is the body. Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain while the other components such as the RAM, and GPU are the limbs.

The motherboard is the head or body of an electronic system. It coordinates all activity within a computer. Thus, its importance can never be overemphasized.

In order to function, your pc needs the support of a motherboard. If it does not have the nitty gritty that the motherboard is supposed to give it, then you can just forget about everything else.

Understanding Motherboard

What is a motherboard? Chances are, if you are reading this page, you already own a computer; but that does not mean you know everything there is to know about it. A motherboard is the primary circuit board on a computer. It serves as the foundation and main component of any computer.

A motherboard is the principal circuit board on a computer. The functionality and quality of a motherboard directly affects the functionality and performance of your entire computer system.

Why Is A Motherboard Important? – Importance Of Motherboard

A motherboard is the most crucial part of any computer as it holds all the components that work together in order to provide the user with seamless and effective services.

It has a large surface area which connects or interlinks different components. It serves as a connecting center of the system where one can easily interchange electronic devices such as a video card or hard drive. It is much similar to the trunk of a tree through which one can see the branches, leaves, and fruits.

If a motherboard were to become defective, the computer would cease to work. hence, a mother board is an integral part of any computer system. The motherboard is located in the front next to the CPU and interconnects all components together.

The motherboard is responsible for connecting all other hardware devices to the CPU like audio capacitors, RAM, and PCI slots. Above all, motherboard gives out the power supply to these devices, produces and controls the voltage that is supplied to these devices.

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Here is why a motherboard is important:

1. Contains BIOS Chip

The BIOS chip is a Read Only Memory (ROM) chip containing program code as well as the necessary settings for a system to boot up. BIOS is an acronym for Basic Input/Output System and this BIOS chip controls data flow from input peripherals like keyboard, hard disk drives mouse and output peripherals like printer or monitor.

2. Manages All Synchronizations

The motherboard is fitted with a quartz crystal. This tiny yet special part acts as the motherboard’s clock. It sends out a signal to let all the components know when to send and receive signals and when not to.

The motherboard will not send or receive any signal when the clock is high or low, ensuring that the many different components work in perfect harmony.

Synchronization is everything! Without the clock on your motherboard, the other components would not be able to communicate with each other.

3. Motherboard Connects All Other Components

The motherboard is the bridge that connects all of a computer system’s components to one another. It also provides capabilities, such as storage (through a controller or chips present on the motherboard), USB ports, additional networking capabilities and sound card capability.

All motherboards are made up of a motherboard chipset and various slots designed to allow the connecting of various devices, such as the display, mouse and keyboard inputs, sound cards, and network cards.

The chipset is responsible for managing the majority of communication between the different hardware components.

4. Handles Hardware Expansion

Building a PC without expansion capabilities is like building a house with no windows or doors. The PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) interface is the foundation of the PC, because it allows you to add cards such as video and sound cards.

5. Contains The CMOS Battery And Chip

Your motherboard contains a small, but essential, battery known as the CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor). This battery saves your system settings and keeps them in place even when you turn the computer off.

Your computer motherboard contains all sorts of important circuits that control its inner workings. Therefore, it makes sense that the motherboard contains a memory component to keep track of all the settings and parameters for these components in relation to each other.

The CMOS chip on your motherboard oversees storing the majority of these parameters that allow your computer to run successfully.

6. Controls Power Supply To Components

The motherboard, or the main circuit board of all computers, has some main job functions. One of these is to serve as a main contact point for all the components of a computer.

These components need to receive power from this board in order to function properly.However, there are also smaller, optional components that are connected to the Power Supply Unit (PSU).

Since it is the main common ground for all the hardware, it makes sense for the power supply rail for the motherboard and all its connected hardware to run directly in line with it on top of things.

Motherboard Components and System

With a motherboard, you will be able to power your CPU. The motherboard will let you use your RAM, display your video output on the monitor, and run other peripherals such as a hard drive.

Here are some of the components that motherboard features:

  • RAM slotfor memory installation
  • Motherboard chipset that relays information
  • CPU socket that allows for CPU installation
  • BIOS, a basic input/output system that helps you configure your hardware
  • POST Check to check if there is a fault with the hardware.
  • PCIe Interface for connecting HSIO devices
  • SATA Interfacefor connecting storage drives
  • Network Connectivity
  • Ports
  • Sound Card for audio

Related: How to Use Motherboard HDMI with Graphics Card

How The Motherboard Affects The Performance Of A Computer?

The motherboard is the central part of any computer. It is like the brain that takes care of all the operations and communicates with various parts. It works as the communicator between important components of a computer such as CPU, GPU, RAM, and so on.

Even though not directly needed for the execution of operations, a good motherboard indirectly contributes to how well a computer conducts operations.

The motherboard is the primary piece of hardware that serves as a building block for any computer. The motherboard does not affect the performance of a computer directly, but when it comes to performance of a computer it has more influence than the user thinks.

How important is A motherboard in terms of gaming performance?

A motherboard’s role in gaming is not direct, but it helps in enhancing the performance and functionality by making sure that all the components of a machine are synchronizing effectively. Overclocking of the board can also double up the performance.

The gaming performance of a computer is primarily dependent on the quality and specifications of the CPU, RAM and GPU. While these three hardware components are especially important, the gaming performance can also be influenced by other factors including the motherboard’s chipset and cooling systems.

Here is what you should look out for when purchasing a motherboard for gaming:

  • CPU slot
  • CPU chip
  • I/O port
  • BIOS
  • RAM slots
  • Keyboard and mouse ports
  • Power supply connector
  • Jumper
  • DIP switch
  • Clock generator
  • Heat sink

Here are vital things a motherboard must have for you to enjoy your gaming:

  • RAM: Minimum of 8GB
  • Graphics card
  • Storage: Drive storage of at least 256 storage space
  • CPU: CPU that prevents bottlenecking and that does not overheat
  • Display monitor: At least can work for 24hrs
  • Motherboard

What Is The Role Of A motherboard in video editing and graphic designing?

When it comes to video editing and graphic designing, you need a motherboard that is reliable, strong, and guaranteed. When choosingthe motherboard that will serve you best for video editing or screen recording, there are a couple of things to consider in order to make the purchase.

The motherboard is the foundation of any computer, so it is important that you choose one that will meet not only your present needs, but also your future needs.

When you choose a motherboard for video editing and screen recording purposes, think about the reliability and strength of the board as well as a guarantee that it will work well with whatever graphics card you plan to use.

A motherboard is a basic component of any computer. It contains the slots you put your RAM into and the CPU socket where you install your processor.

So, if you are looking to build up the computer for video editing and graphics designing purposes, you must select an excellent motherboard.

This highlights how important it is to choose an excellent motherboard for maximizing the real performance of critical parts in case you want to enjoy smooth and hassle-free video editing and graphics designing experience.

What Motherboard is Suitable For You?

Knowing which motherboard is suitable for you in terms of both performance and budget should be one of your priorities before purchasing a motherboard.

Which motherboard is suitable for you? It depends on your requirements. Are you an average home user, in which case the most important thing to you would be peace of mind and avoiding any disasters with your PC such as bad motherboard failure.

If overclocking is what you are after, you will need to buy a more expensive motherboard. So, buy your motherboard based on your requirement and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Do You Need A Good Motherboard?

You see, a good and proper motherboard bears the most key role in computer system. It is just like the central circuit that interconnects all components, in order to guarantee the effectiveness and efficiency of a computer system.

Conveying all data arising from the CPU to all peripherals and components, like sound card, stick memory card, and graphics cards by means of electrical signals, is the primary function of a motherboard.

To perform effectively and efficiently, it does not require any defect on its own, which is why you need a good motherboard.

What Is The Motherboard Driver? Is It Necessary?

The motherboard driver plays a decisive role in retaining all the vital processes of your computer. It is more like an interface that connects the hardware and software systems of a computer. It is important since it connects both the software and hardware systems of a computer.

Which Is More Important Between Motherboard And Processor While Building A PC?

Although both the motherboard and processor are important but installing the processor first before placing the motherboard can help in making things go smoothly. Especially, if you are a first-time builder or if you are building a CPU-only PC then installing the processor first is mandatory.

Professionally install all RAM, GPU, CPU cooler and HDD after you finish placing the motherboard.

Does A Motherboard Affect A Computer's Speed?

We can say without a shadow of hesitation that the memory does affect the speed of a computer. However, the motherboard works as the holder of all vital components such as RAM, etc. So, motherboard influence the speed of your computer indirectly.

Does A Cheap Motherboard Matter?

The question of whether a cheap motherboard matter depends upon the end use for the motherboard. If you are not going to overclock the CPU and you only intend to run basic games but still want a good graphic card, a cheap motherboard may do fine.

But, if you plan to overclock the CPU, playing video games at a higher end resolution, or doing graphic design work then investing in a cheap motherboard will just end up costing you money.

Does A Motherboard Affect FPS?

There are many factors that determine the processing speed of a machine. One of them is the kind of processor or the central processing unit (CPU). However, it is not the only factor.

An equally important part is the objective storage device, called main memory or RAM. The RAM speeds up the execution of any given program by storing your data and then providing the CPU with faster access to this information.

The more data that can be stored in RAM, the better for your computer. It is quite different from ROM that stores its data permanently. It mostly affects your processor’s cache memory, which is used to store data residing in random access memory (RAM).


Why is a motherboard important? Motherboard is the backbone of all electronic devices. Given that a motherboard is at the heart of any computing device, it is crucial to get the right one for your requirements.

The right motherboard can make your PC fast and reliable, while low-quality motherboards will cause you to replace them in no time.

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